2022 Winter Solstice Poem
For months the nights have stretched e’er longer as rhythms grew slower and nature’s pace calmer. Since Samhaim the world-veils grow thin; our dreams deep, […]
Winter Solstice 2014
On rudderless barque from dream-filled dark I aimlessly drift from naught through currents & mind-shoals (some vague; others stark) to emerge into conscious thought. […]
Winter Solstice 2013
To cold, darkened day from dark sleep I awake; In the kitchen, tea, fruit, and small omelet partake. Yawning, shuffle to work in my office […]
Winter Solstice 2011
This night’s longest darkness entices and calls to an instinct, profound and arcane, which enthralls. ‘Tis a drive to remark, witness each new detail, both […]
Winter Solstice 2007
‘Tween dark and dark I toil each day. As I walk, dawn and dusk, between home and work’s fray. Though each step seems quite slow, […]
Winter Solstice 2006
On the hilltop her lingering gaze absorbs night, While I stir (restless sleep) she tracks each star’s swift flight. Though unknown to me, this owl-eyed […]
Winter Solstice 2005
When leaving the office I’m greeted by night, brisk darkness already awaits me. A tip of the moon rising slow, silver-bright; The year’s longest night […]