SENG 2014 Presentations
Presentations from the SENG 2014 Conference If you are interested in my presentations, here are PDFs of all the slides including the footnote references. At […]
Gifted Children
In writing about Gifted children, it’s important to define what that means. Even among experts on the topic, there are different definitions for this. It […]
Psychology of Gifted Adults, Part 3
Research indicates that the brain of someone who is classified as Gifted follows a pattern of asynchronous physiological development. This means that different areas of […]
Psychology of Gifted Adults, Part 2
In the field of psychology, Gifted is a term used to describe individuals who have either achieved a standardized test score in the upper range […]
Psychology of Gifted Adults, Part 1
Adults who have been called Gifted at some point in their lives often have only a vague sense of what comprises this aspect of their […]